
Bananas are a good source of potassium, fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, and several phytonutrients and antioxidants.


Nutritional value:

One medium banana’s (100 gram) nutritional information is as follows:

calories 89
water 75%
protein 1.1
carbohydrates 22.8 gram
sugar 12.2 gram
fiber 2.6 gram
fat 0.3 gram



Due to their high potassium content and antioxidant content, bananas may be good for heart health. Additionally, the resistant starch and pectin in these foods may improve colon health.

Banana packaging:

In cardboard cartons with plastic liners, bananas are packed as full hands, part hands, or clusters. Between each full hand, plastic slip sheets are utilized, and the carton’s bottom is lined with absorbent paper. To facilitate collection and delivery for transportation, cartons are staked into pallets.

Packaging Design: Variety of Carton Available Packing for bananas

 Size accessible: 10, 13.5, or 7 kg


Export packing size: Packaging Size 16kg 7kg 18kg 20kg 13kg


Available Packaging Type: Box, 13.6 kg Export Packaging


Available quality is A.


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